Super Bowl Halftime update

  • Despite appearances, Tom Petty is only 57 years old. There is no truth to the rumors that he fought in the Spanish-American war.
  • Best commercial so far? Probably the one where the ad walks out of the TV and searches for 'Ted'.
  • Well, the game is still close and Giants have an excellent chance of covering. This one just might come down to whoever gets the breaks.
  • Here at casa DeFor we're getting ready to have chicken lasagna. You may all be jealous.


Meigan said…
LOL - I was just thinking the same thing. Man, he looks OLD! Note to self: lay off the hard rock star party life...

Oh, and I like the screaming squirrel commercial. I'm a sucker for the cheesy animals.
DD4 said…
I loved the Budweiser commercial with the Dalmation training the Clydesdale.

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