Sick baby

It seems that Relia has something of a cold. Coughing, more coughing and a stuffed nose. Also very tired and having trouble finding a comfortable position for sleeping. Nothing serious, but a little heartrending. The FP Gal wishes she could have the cold instead but of course it doesn't work that way.
Wish us luck!
(BTW, thanks to Pop for some short notice babysitting. You really helped us out!)


carrster said…
I just wrote a very similar post! Hope 'Relia is feeling better soon.
Kate said…
Oh, both you and Carrie. Or should I say, both Aurelia and Dahlia... My heart goes out to the wee ones.
MommyLisa said…
Saline nasal spray works wonders with some ibuprofen. I do not believe in any of the decongestants and whatnot for any little folks, but a nice plain non-addictive saline spray twice a day will get that gunk out of there pretty quickly! You get 2 bottles for something like $1.50. Throw it out after the sick has passed and use a new one for the next sick!
Sarita said…
Thanks for the saline recommendation. I made some and it seems to be helping a little.

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