Random Wednesday thoughts

  • There is a lunar eclipse tonight, happening as I type this. It's particularly beautiful because it's being framed by Saturn and the star Regulus. It has a reddish look and that's entirely normal. The tint doesn't come from pollution, it comes from refraction. It's the same reaction that colors sunrises and sunsets.
  • Stayed home with Relia today. Work was nice enough to let me have a day off without dipping into my sick pay. We didn't do much. She's pretty low energy and very wet. Nothing traumatic or scary, though.
  • One of my New Year's resolutions was to either start or join a reading group based on the Man Booker Prize. I looked around and didn't find anything so I really thought I'd be stuck creating the darn thing. Well, lookie what I found. The only problem is that the group has been around for a few years and has already read 85 books (out of around 200 total). I'll see how it goes.
  • The other resolutions are going well. I thought of blogging them but decided on maintaining a little privacy. I'll mention another of them in a few weeks. (Hint: Sono agente touristica.)
  • That's it!


carrster said…
I can see the eclipse perfectly from our 'office' - it is really cool.
DD4 said…
I thought the eclipse was beautiful. I saw one of the planets (to the lower left of the moon), but am not sure which one it was.

I'm hoping Aurelia is getting better. It was very nice of your office to let you stay home without penalty.
I watched the eclipse from my deck windows in my dining room. It was absolutely beautiful.

Hope Relia is feeling better.

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