Random Tuesday night thoughts
- Last night I came home to find a trail of flour leading from the kitchen to the living room. Ozzie of course. This cat has the weirdest taste in human food. We can not leave bread out or he will tear it apart. He also likes the FP Gal's oats. Very strange.
- On a related note, I found him licking beaters with cookie dough this evening. In his defense, someone had left them by her computer.
- Holy cats, I'm tired of this weather. I've come to the point that I'm admitting jealousy if any of my travelers are going somewhere tropical. I think I need some time in the sun. On a beach. Nearby bikinis would be nice but aren't necessary.
- Someplace like here.
- Pitchers and catchers report on Saturday with the White Sox first spring training game on 27 Feb. Yes, I'm ready. It feels like I'm readier than most years and I think I've figured it out. For the last ten years or so they've been in contention until sometime in September. Last year the killed all of my hope in May. That means my personal off season has been four months longer than usual.
- Not that I'm ready to put football away quite yet. Very interesting article here showing how improbable the Giants recent Super Bowl victory was. They figure that if you use the regular season performance as a guide to how good a team actually is, then New York just had the most amazing playoff run in football history. They figure it at 0.7%. If you played it out on a simulation 1000 times, they would win the big game only seven times. This probably says more about the limitations of statistics than anything else but I found it interesting.
- That's all!