To Whom it May Concern,
We have a request regarding any future children. Please allow more time between cutting teeth periods. Back to back teeth (well, side by side) has ruined every night for the last two weeks, not only for us but it's also put more strain on our poor child. We feel that a couple of weeks of rest would be good for everyone involved.
An alternative would be to all the teeth come in at one time. Or maybe he/she could just arrive with a full set. Either way would be fine.
Thank you for your attention to this matter,
-Bleary & Bloodshot
We have a request regarding any future children. Please allow more time between cutting teeth periods. Back to back teeth (well, side by side) has ruined every night for the last two weeks, not only for us but it's also put more strain on our poor child. We feel that a couple of weeks of rest would be good for everyone involved.
An alternative would be to all the teeth come in at one time. Or maybe he/she could just arrive with a full set. Either way would be fine.
Thank you for your attention to this matter,
-Bleary & Bloodshot