Apple Pie Day

Tonight Relia had a surprise for us. She very excitedly told us that she had made a pie. (Or possibly a pile, it wasn't clear to us at first.) But she repeated herself many times and sure enough it was a pie. She told us that it was Apple Pie Day. Here is a picture of her baking.

This was all very nice of her and I'm not sure what brought it on. We haven't had pie in the house for many months nor even really talked about it much. But who are we to turn down pie? She was very excited to show us her baking efforts. Here is a picture of the pie:
Looks like a flaky crust! Who knew that Sinus Rinse was made with apples? That might have been the biggest surprise of the night.
She was very good about staying away from the hot oven. Even gave time for it to cool after it was done baking. Then she brought us each a piece. The FP Gal got some in a bowl with silverware. I got a single packet in the palm of my hand. Relia also had a bowl and she happily sat on me on the couch while we 'ate'.
And then it was time for bed and she very dutifully put all of it in her little refrigerator.

Doesn't she look like a happy little chef?


Kate said…
Oh my gosh! She looks so totally like her mom in that first picture! Seriously! It's amazing!
Anonymous said…
Aren't little kitchens the best. Our get used EVERY DAY! Best money spent EVER.
DD4 said…
I love this post! Aurelia, you're a girl after my own heart. I love it that you like to bake. You and I will have to make something when you come to stay with me.
carrster said…
That is awesome!
Lindsey said…
Your daughter is so adorable! And creative too!

(This is Lindsey, Rachel's sister-in-law)

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