Prop Bleg

I got word a while ago that my company is putting together a blog of sorts. Not sure what form it will ultimately take but I've been invited to take part and I'm excited. They want to take individual pictures of each of us with a prop. And I'm not sure what to use?
My first thought (being a travel agent) was to use a martini glass. I get the feeling that isn't quite what they had in mind. Another possibility is a globe but I'm afraid that will accentuate the unfortunate globish shape of my own cranium. A passport? I fear that a sextant won't be understandable (and in truth I take very few sun sights).
So I open the forum to you folks. Any ideas?


Pat said…
Your humor is something else. I really did laugh out loud when I read the excerpt about the globe. Knowing you--you will come up with something very clever and I am going to want to know what it is.
Hans said…
Let's see... a monkey's paw, a bloody knife, poker chips, a glass of wine, there are just so many things to suggest
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I wish I had a monkey's paw...
Meigan said…
How about one of those gray plastic bins from the airport security line?
j said…
A compass. And wear a fedora. Maybe go for the whole Indiana Jones affect.

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