(Oh) Hold Me Like a Baby

We've been talking more and more with Relia about her new baby brother to be. Trying to prep her for a small one around the house. Trying to establish that not every new thing in the house is 'her's'. Mostly it's going well but there is at least one strange side effect. She is insisting that she is the baby. Or at least a baby.
That means that she wants to be held like a baby. And carried like a baby. And held like a baby. All very normal (I'm told). The weird thing for me is that every time she asks to be held like a baby it brings forth this gem from Suzanne Vega called 'Gypsy'.

A very sweet song and the baby reference is in a completely different context. But . . . what the heck. It's a great tune and it doesn't require a great reason to post it here.


carrster said…
Yep - same stuff going on here. We are constantly talking about the baby going to sleep in THAT crib, THAT room, those tiny clothes are for the BABY, etc etc...instead Dahlia just wants to sit in the infant seat! Ah well. She also has been practicing singing "Rock a bye Baby" to her dolls, maybe that's a good sign....
Kate said…
Hehe. I'm glad you know that's normal. When Cowgirl told her youngest about the new baby, she INSISTED on getting out the infant car seat and a bottle immediately. She's a hoot.

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