
Recently someone asked me if I'm excited for Baby XY (I'm looking forward to an actual name). The truth is that I'm really not. Oh, on some level I am but it's surprisingly easy to forget that we have a blessing on the way right now. It's not easy for the FP Gal of course, but when I'm not around her . . .
The reason why is pretty easy to figure out. Lack of sleep. And other sundry Relia busyness. Let's just say that she has a way of keeping you 'in the moment'. (And an aside, if you will. Her conversation has become so much more adult lately. She is thinking about the future and the past. She makes connections that aren't fed to her. It's kind of exciting.)
Well, one of the great things about this here blog is that I've got a pretty good record of the last time. I took advantage of that and reread the last few months before Relia showed up. You know what I discovered? We had gobs of time. Absolute gobs of it. And I don't know what we did with it!
I also reread through the baby classes and the other prep work. That reminded me that we're kind of getting down to it. Time to pack the bag and all that. We're (probably) less than three months from der tag.
And it's probably time to start getting my mind in the right place.

(When I started this post, I had some more profound destination in mind. Now that I'm at the end I don't even kind of remember what that might have been. Sorry.)


Kate said…
You'll get there when you need to get there. And it will be like Baby XY was always there the minute he shows up.

I say that with unabashed certainty. Even with no children of my own.
carrster said…
No kidding about the GOBS of time!! We'll probably feel like we have gobs of time NOW after these new babies arrive!

I think you're definitely within 3 months - since Sarah only has 7 weeks left!! (after tomorrow...)

Peder said…
Carrie, we might be on the 52 week plan again. I'm not sure and don't want to get the hopes up too high.

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