Coraline - 2009

Coraline is a young girl who has moved to a new town away from her friends. She's terribly bored and unhappy. Her parents are too focused on their computers to spend time with her. She has met a young boy but she doesn't really like him very much. In fact, the only interesting thing is a small door in the house that has been wallpapered over and bricked up.
Then comes the night. Some mice wake her and lead her through that door into another world. One where her parents are much more attentive and wonders abound. The only difference is that they have buttons in place of eyes . . . She can stay and listen to the promises of eternal happiness but their is a terrible price.
This is a very good movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit. But it's much too dark for little kids (we didn't even let Relia try it). It sets up very like a horror film. The story is interesting and well told. The animation looks something like stop motion with fabrics and is well used. It also has a very good score.
Well recommended.


Hans said…
I don't know what I would have thought of this movie if the kids hadn't been in the room, terrified of it. The buttons on the eyes thing did them in. I didn't expect that when we let them watch it.
Peder said…
I don't remember the marketing on this but it should have had some strong warnings about showing it to children. Yikes!
Sarita said…
Oooh yeah. Not a little kid movie. I think the book might be something a 6 or 7 year old could handle, but I was worried that the movie would give ME nightmares.
Meigan said…
Read the book! It's even better.

I'm a bad mom - I totally let my 5 & 7 year olds watch it. I always threaten to bring their other mother out when they're being naughty...

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