Oscar Open Thread

This won't be a full running blog. But I may post some updates throughout the night. I ended up seeing three of the ten Best Picture Nominees. 'Up' was great and wouldn't be a shameful winner. 'Up in the Air' was very good but had some flaws. Also saw 'District 9' which was interesting but not really Best Picture caliber. If you have opinions on any of the other seven nominees feel free to share them in the comments.
Also, yay!, Steve Martin!


DD4 said…
I'm thrilled that "Up" won best animated picture. The only other film I saw was "Julie and Julia." I liked it very much and would love to see Meryl Streep win best actress.
Anonymous said…
Have you seen "THE COVE"? It needs to win. Very powerful movie!
Peder said…
We're in serious Tivo time (watched 'Amazing Race'). Just saw the John Hughes tribute. Very touching.
Hans said…
I saw Inglorious Basterds and enjoyed it thoroughly. I saw Avatar and thought that it was worth seeing, if nothing else, for the visual feel. It is amazing. Story could have used some work, though. We bought The Hurt Locker and watched it a couple weeks ago. It was good, but I don't see me going back and watching it over and over. Up or Inglorious Basterds would have been my choice for best film of the ones that I saw.

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