First Day Jeopardy Story
The FP Gal asked me this and I think I'll share it here. Each day on Jeopardy, contestants share a story from their past. She asked me what story I'd go with on my first day, with the possibility that I'd lose out and only get to tell the one story. After some discussion we decided that I'd have to go with the taxi in Paris story. If you don't remember it, here's a sample:
So now I give this challenge to you. Please figure out what story you'd go with on your first day on Jeopardy and post it on your blog!
So we decided to take a cab. Paris has little taxi stands placed here and there. The cabs queue up and take their fares hither and yon. We found a stand and climbed in. I tried out my French and asked the driver to go to our hotel, near the Eiffel tower. He seemed uncertain but gamely made his way toward that part of the city. Halfway there we realized that this wasn't a taxi.The other two stories we thought of were the surprise wedding and the costume that got us down to Mexico (click the link if you don't know that story).
That's right! This guy pulled over to the curb and two crazy Americans climbed into the back of his car.
So now I give this challenge to you. Please figure out what story you'd go with on your first day on Jeopardy and post it on your blog!
I would tell you to go to Wikipedia for more details of the above event, but the good folks at Wikipedia deleted it.