Ask away!

Apologies for the light blogging for the last couple of weeks. Life has caught up (children, work, sickness). And also, I really have found very little good stuff to blog about. No good lists or challenging assertions.
So I need your help. This is your post where you can ask me stuff. You can lean on my professional travel booking knowledge. Or my vast sports curiosity. Or my book readin', movie watchin' interests.
Ask away!


Kate said…
What are you the most excited about with the new baby coming?
Peder said…
Right now I'm most excited for the interaction with Relia. Both right away and further down the line. The FP Gal and I were both clear that we didn't want to raise an only child. We both wanted the bigger (stronger?) interactive network of multiple children.
Anonymous said…
Have you seen the movie "The Cove". A must see!

Only children are not a bad thing.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Your final opinion on "Master And Commander" (the book)? Also, to quote from a certain Paranoid Android, don't talk to me about life. :\
Peder said…
I haven't seen The Cove and I probably won't. (For those who don't know, The Cove was an Oscar nominated documentary about a regular [annual?] killing of dolphins in a cove near a small Japanese fishing town.) I'm pro-dolphin and I'm sure that the movie would have a great impact. But I've got a problem with the modern documentary. They suffer huge objectivity problems and basically only show the side that they're interested in. Possibly The Cove is an exception but I'm still not that interested in running out there to find out.
Peder said…
Andrew, I liked 'Master and Commander' but I didn't love it. I found that the opening part was a bit too jargon filled. Once they got out sailing it was quite a bit of fun. I can see where the series could be good and I'm keeping my eye out at used bookstores for the second one.
Peder said…
Oh, and Anon, I didn't mean to imply that only children are a bad thing. But there are elements to the brother/sister relationship that you really can't get anywhere else. We want our kids to have that.
Pat said…
What do you think about your Mom's relatives?? On second thought--maybe I don't really want to know.
Oh my, Pat! You may have opened up a whole new can of worms.

Please take it easy on us, Peder!
Peder said…
I like my Mom's relatives quite a bit. (Well, except for the one...)
j said…
Where should I go explore in Colorado that's a day trip?

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