A Little Bug

Sickness has been visiting our home again. At this point we should just set up a room for Stuffy Head and Runny Nose. Bunkbeds, I think. Anyway, Relia and I are both sick. The FP Gal with her teacher's immunity isn't feeling as bad. Or maybe she's just better at dealing with it.
Anyway, she was trying to explain to Relia that I wasn't feeling well. She said that "daddy has a little bug". You can probably guess where this is going.
"Is it like a ladybug?"
"Is it in his mouth?"
That last question creeps me out to no end. So far ladybugs don't bother me as much as larger winged insects do. But if she keeps talking about it being in my mouth...! We've tried to explain that it's not quite like that kind of bug but I don't think she's convinced.
Yesterday morning she woke up in pain and we took her into the doctor. (Lucky me, it was a day off so I could be miserable with her.) The doctor started to inspect her ears and said, "let's see if there are any butterflies in here. There's one. And in your other ear...a couple of ladybugs". This is cute doctor speech for 'yep, it's an ear infection'.
And not really the help that we needed (grrrr!). At least she perked right up with the medicine. In fact, she's a bit tired but otherwise seemed her normal self today.
Daddy is still filled with bugs . . .


Kate said…
Illness is like a cockroach if you ask me. Feel better.

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