Penguin Dance

It's been some time (twenty-some years?) since I'd last seen this but this part always stuck in my mind. I'm reminded of Dick Van Dyck dancing with the penguins every time I see a teenager who needs to pull up his pants.

Update: And I should note that Relia can't help but jump up and dance to the 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' song.

Another note: the spell-checker didn't like the update...


Alfred T. Mahan said…
I can't figure out if you're insulting Mr. Van Dyke or not, Peder.
Peder said…
I wasn't trying to insult him. He is *much* better here in this movie than I remember. Basically steals every scene he's in.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
Oh, I agree; it was the whole comparison to modern-day teens that got my mind wandering down that dark path that forever dominates my destiny.

As I recall, however, his attempt at an accent was ranked as one of the worst ever by one of the hifalutin' film magazines.

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