Becoming a Better Writer (While Not Writing)

Pretty good list of ideas to help keep the creative juices flowing while you're not writing. I especially liked 4 and 5:

4. Live life with passion. Do the things on your bucket list. Stretch
beyond your comfort zone. Climb a mountain. Jump out of a plane. Serve soup at a
shelter. Dine in a restaurant alone.

5. Take trips. Fly, drive or ride your bike.
Dig a well in Africa or lie on a beach in San Diego or discover just how big
Texas really is when you drive across it... just go.

I've been feeling a strong pull towards number one recently:
1. Be creative any way you can. Cook new recipes. Paint a picture. Design a
garden. Compose a song. Build something with Legos. Organize the garage.

Especially the idea of painting of all things. How strange is that?


Sarita said…
You sure you aren't beign pulled to organize the garage?
carrster said…
I say if the spirit moves you, go with it!

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