Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Write Like

Kate sent me a link to a site that analyzes writing samples and tells you who you write like. I put some of my story writing in and it compared me to J.D. Salinger. (Please, please, please if this is true and I come off like a whiny teenager, someone let me know so I can either change or stop writing.)
I ran across a blog post from Joe Posnanski (and as an aside, let me just say that if you enjoy great sports writing then you should bookmark him and read and read and read). In this post he took 12 of the most famous quotes in sports history and he runs it through the analyzer. With each one he also says a bit about the person and/or the quote. Absolutely great stuff.

1 comment:

Meigan said...

I think that's a compliment.

It says I write like Cory Doctorow. Can't say I know his work but he does look interesting.