Overheard (on a quiet morning)

While sitting on the backsteps enjoying a post-cereal popsicle:

Relia: I wish I could be up there in the sky. Up there in the clouds. (pause) And daddy, you could be up there with me.

- - -

After a very late bed-time, Relia woke about an hour later than usual. We hope that there will be some extra naps today. It never hurts to hope, right?
The FP Gal and I had lights out by midnight and the neighborhood was still alive with crackles, pops and booms. Not surprisingly, it was much quieter about 8a today. Actually, the neighborhood fireworks have been much more subdued this year. Not sure why but I've talked with people in other areas and they say the same thing. Recession maybe? Does that even make sense?
Anyway, we've had a good fourth of July.


carrster said…
Fireworks in our neighborhood were more plentiful than usual. Perhaps your firework-letter-offers came to Duluth for the holiday...?
Kate said…
I missed the neighborhood fanfare around here on the 4th, but last night, there were random pops and cracks going on amid the humidity. It was a strange muffled sound. Almost friendly.

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