Worst Movie Year Ever?
That is what this article in the WSJ asks. I read it nodding my head in agreement the whole time. An excerpt:
Let's hope that the last five months improve.
Go into a movie theater any day of the week and watch as the audience sits listlessly through a series of lame, mechanical trailers for upcoming films that look exactly like the D.O.A. movies audiences avoided last week. More films about misunderstood mercenaries. More films about rogue cops. More films about the pivotal role of choreography in rescuing the underclass from its own worst instincts. More movies about congenial thugs from South Boston. More films about boys who do not want to grow up, ever, ever, ever.That is the thing for me, it's not that I've seen so many bad movies this year. It's that there have been so few movies that even wanted to see. And so many others that I've shuddered while watching their commercials. Ugh.More movies about cats.
Let's hope that the last five months improve.