My New Kindle
Yep, I caved and got a Kindle. Started looking around yesterday for a deal on Craigslist and found a good price. Enlisted the help of the FP Gal (and boy did she help!) and tonight I'm the proud owner of a new Kindle. I'll tell you what I think of it in a couple of days but my first look is a positive one.
Bullet points? Sure, why not:
Bullet points? Sure, why not:
- Am I going to get rid of my paper books? Nope. Well, I may pare down on some of the poli-sci and lit books that I've collected over the years. But that's not really related to this purchase.
- Will I stop buying paper books? I'll probably still shop used book stores. In fact I'm sure I will. But new books will be Kindle if I can. Or if I'm very certain that it's a 'keep for years' type book.
- Are there any other times you'll buy a paper book? Yes. I can envision a time when I'd read something on the Kindle and decide that I want a permanent copy. Then I'd simply wait a few years and buy a used copy, or at least a paperback.
- What finally pushed you to change? The portability actually. Many times lately I've been out of the house and wishing that I had a book to read. This is small enough that I can do that. Also I can go on a trip without packing thousands of pages worth of material.
- Anything else? Yep. I've been reading more new stuff over the last couple of years. This will let me buy the new stuff for $9.99 (in lots of cases). In the past I would either pony up for the hardcover ($20+) or wait a year for the paperback. Now I can stay current.
Some publishers offer some of their titles "free" for a limited time. I know mine does. They often do it to promote a new author.