Inception - 2010

Today marked the first time that I went to a theater to see a movie in about six months. I used to watch movies pretty regularly but not this year. Several things have contributed to this, parenthood most of all, but the biggest obstacle is that there have been very few movies that I've been excited to see. There have been a few that I kinda wanted to watch (Iron Man 2) and a few that I definitely want to see but will happily wait and watch them at home (Toy Story 3). 'Inception' is the first one that I really wanted to go out and watch with the whole theater experience.
I'll give a brief review. It's tough to talk about it with much specificity without spoiling the plot. Suffice it to say that I thought it was great. In some ways it's a mixture of 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and 'the Matrix'. Well . . . better acting than 'the Matrix'. If you liked either of those movies and don't mind a somewhat confusing thriller then I'd encourage you to go out and see this.


Meigan said…
We saw it! For the same reason as you - and it had been a looong time since visiting a theater.

Still liked the Matrix a wee bit better but wow this was good. Loved it. Loved, loved, loved it. And had really cool dreams after seeing it.

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