Kindle Review

I've had my Kindle for a week now and have finished a book with it. Don't remember if I mentioned it but I bought mine used and, surprisingly to me, it kept the books from the previous owner. He had twenty or so and one of them was on my 'to read' list. (The book is 'The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao' and it won the Pulitzer for Best Fiction back in 2008. I'll review it separately at some point.)
So how was the Kindle?
  • The size and heft of the device isn't that different from a trade paperback. Holding it didn't feel wrong to my hands. Of course you can read one handed (which I did) and that's an improvement.
  • You turn the pages via large buttons on either side. As the page turns the screen flashes for an instant which took a little getting used to. This wasn't a minus for me but it was different.
  • The battery charge lasted a week before needing a charge. This can be improved to two weeks without interfering with reading by turning off the wireless connection. That's what I'll be doing usually.
  • On the very bottom of the screen it tells you what percentage of the book you've read. This is in place of page numbers. I wish I could toggle between the two but this is a pretty small complaint.
  • It has worked especially well for me since I can take it to work and back very easily. Yesterday I finished the one book and was able to jump right into a second one without any problem.
It's early but so far I'm very pleased with it.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing :D

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