75 Signs of a Bibliophile
Full list here. I only connect on 13 of them. So I'm going to suggest that the other 62 are largely pretentious twaddle. Or I'm not really a bibliophile.
Which 13? These:
Which 13? These:
- 16, guilty as charged.
- 20, don't know how anyone could disagree
- 23, not sure that anyone would disagree here either
- 32, I know enough to laugh at nasally Morissette but would be hard pressed to define well
- 40, and I find them very enjoyable
- 45, not to weeping but it does upset me
- 47, though this might upset the FP Gal more
- 49, not as bad as the spine thing; I'll forgive others but could never do it myself
- 56, this is known by half of the known universe
- 57, colour me guilty
- 66, at least 2 though seldom as many as 4
- 75, self defining point is self defining