
We had a pretty good thunderstorm roll through our neck of the woods tonight. There were reports of tornadoes out near Oceloa, right about where we were today. How fun is that?
The sirens sounded in Minneapolis just about the time Relia was rounding into the final sleepy time books. Back when I was single I would have probably risked it and stayed topside to watch a bit. But responsibilities have a way of changing you.
We quickly packed up and went down to the basement. The FP Gal had just gotten Felix to sleep and the transfer woke him. I settled him while the FP Gal set up a little 'nest' for our Relia-bird. She also set up our smallest TV so we could keep up with the latest developments.
Soon enough we got the all clear and made our way upstairs. Let's just say that she wasn't quite ready to go down after all of the excitement. We talked, we cried, there was some yelling . . . And finally sleep. Blessed sleep.


Meigan said…
I thought the other night, "Hey - I bet Peder's enjoying this".

Unlike you when the sirens went off we put our kids to bed in their 3rd floor bedroom & sat out on the 2nd floor porch to watch the storm.

I think driving through that doozy of a storm in Wisconsin last month has given me a new over-confidence about sirens. NG
Kate said…
Hey. I live in the basement. So, the question is whether or not I let Gay Boyfriend come down and join me or I lock the door. Hahahaha!

No really.


He annoys me that much.

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