Mother's day
I spent most of today with Mom. I'm sure she'll put a review up later. In fact I know she will because she took pictures for that purpose (and I wore a favorite shirt for that very reason). Anyway, it was fun and I learned some things about her.
- She attended an Ed Sullivan show and saw Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster.
- This was when she went to visit relatives on Long Island. This was a part of her Dad's (my grandpa whom I never met) dream vacation. It involved a trip to DC as well as New York.
- She doesn't remember the ice ages and never saw any dinosaurs.
- Sometimes, she still buys used movies on VHS because they're cheap and why not?
- The English royal family fascinates her. Enough so that she had an opinion on whether the Queen Mum looked right or not. (I thought Prince Charles looked weird.)
- Red peppers: good. Green peppers: bad.
- If she could live anywhere in the Twin Cities, she'd have a townhouse by Centennial Lakes. One of the ones overlooking it. And if she lived there, she'd never throw her Christmas tree out in the backyard.
- She'd like more Italian restaurants and fewer Mexican. She finds spicy food to be loud. She doesn't think she's qualified to open a bland Italian restaurant because she's too German.
- She's thinking of a part time job walking dogs. I'm on board with that and think she'd enjoy it. The dogs might too.
- Her new canary doesn't sing as much the old one but she still loves him.