Second Childbirth class

Last night was round two and it went well. More info for dads in how to comfort moms. This is somewhat of a theme, I guess. Probably one of the two biggest reasons for the class, the other being to let people know what the actual fearful things are so they can take the regular things in stride.
So what did I learn? The most interesting thing for me was learning about how the baby is trying to make his/her push to the end. They are looking for any position they can find to make their way down the birth canal. That means that regular change in position by the mother will help the baby out. My question for next week is whether some caffeine during early labor will help at all. Give the little one an energy boost maybe. (That's not too stupid a question, is it?)
Also learned about 'back labor' which sounds very painful. Happens when the baby positions itself backward to the norm and causes rubbing of skull to tailbone. They gave us some techniques to help the baby correct position. Apparently we can't just reach up there and turn them around.
More birth videos which are more helpful than I would have thought. This week included a computer graphic of delivering the placenta. My guess is that they went with the animation instead of the real thing so as not to chase the dads out.
Last night I dreamt that the baby had already come and it was a boy. For those keeping score at home that's now two boy dreams for me and one for the FP Gal. Zero girl dreams. If that's important to you, you can change your vote. Andrea, in response to your question, we'll try and get a real live baby for the person with the best vote. If security in the maternity ward is too good, we'll think of something else.


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