Big storm

We've had a series of large storms over the last few days. Last night's storm was the biggest in our exact area. From 11p to 1130p we had continuous lightning flashes. We also had something that I don't ever remember hearing before. The thunder must have been continuous enough to sound like one extended rumble. I had to keep reminding myself that the classic sound of a tornado is like a train, not a garbage truck.
We sat and looked for a station with weather coverage which is a sign that this was bigger than normal because local weather coverage usually drives me crazy. (The other night they blocked out a quarter of the screen because of a thunderstorm warning in one county up near the Canadian border. Um, not your viewers guys.) We kept our ears open for any kind of tornado warning but none came. Just a big angry orange splotch that moved over the metro area.
The strange thing about this storm is that you could feel it coming for a good six hours before it actually arrived. It's an odd feeling to rush out and close your car windows only to discover that you were premature by a quarter of a day. Also unusual was the feeling that this time it was our neighborhood's turn to lose power. Didn't happen but we each had flashlights just in case. We were fortunate though, as we never needed them.
Ok, how about a nice drizzle now?


DD4 said…
I heard the same sound at my home and wondered if it was a tornado - but had not heard a siren so dismissed it.
Earlier, around 9:30, I was watching the weatherman on channel 9 when my TV went blank and a Bloomington policeman came on the air and warned everyone to go to a place of safety. I unplugged as many things as I could so they wouldn't get hit by lightning.
I heard they got 5 inch balls of hail in Eden Prairie. Wow! Glad to hear you are okay. I was wondering.
DD4 said…
I just heard we got 4 inches of rain last night! 2 of my co-workers are still without power since early Saturday morning.
carrster said…
Wow - sounds like some major meterological activity!!

Here in the Northland we had lightening for a looooooong time - and like you said, we could "feel" the storm coming long before it arrived. It arrived but had already mostly petered out. We only got .08 inches of rain (!) but at this point anything is better than nothing. Hmph. I hate droughts. (I was so happy to hear thunder though!)

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