NaNoWriMo and you

You may remember that last November I did the NaNoWriMo thing. The name stands for National Novel Writing Month. The idea is simple, you get one month to write a 50,000 word novel. Whether anyone ever reads it or not is completely up to you. I didn't let anyone read mine for instance. The focus is on having enough time pressure to force the words out of you. This keeps your inner editor in check long enough to get some stuff down in words. I found the entire experience very rewarding.
I'm mentioning this now because I'd like to challenge some of you out there to join me in doing it this year. We can offer support and peer pressure to each other. Maybe trade ideas or offer help, too. If you've ever wondered if you had a novel in you, this is a wonderful way to find out.
The set month that they have is November but we could strike out on our own and do October if that'd be easier. This would still give you a couple of months to think of a general outline and a plot to work with. I started last year with a story in mind and about a dozen specific scenes. That was enough of a foundation to get me to the 50K mark. You can do it too!
I know some of you are creative and talented enough to do this. I have some specific people in mind (yes, I mean you). So hop on board and join in! You have nothing to lose but your fears.


carrster said…

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