Night before last, the FP Gal had a baby dream. (Or maybe a vacation dream. I'll let you decide.) Last night was my turn for vivid dreams. I was a travel agent down in Austin with an office over at Ellis. There were visitors in my office that I was supposed to be demonstrating for but they kept taking my keyboard away. On top of that, someone kept stealing my fudge stripe cookies!
I think you should get paid overtime when you have a work dream. The most vivid I had was while I was bar tending down in Austin. I dreamt that the bar was all around my bed and I spent hours rushing to get drinks to everyone. Woke up exhausted.
The only travel agent dream I remember was after they rolled out a new system for scoring our calls for quality purposes. The system was split between customer service, accuracy and number of transactions (separate orders). In the dream, my battle-axe of a supervisor was using the system to score my love life. She said that the service was good and that my accuracy was fine. The transactions though... At which point I interrupted and told her that I just couldn't do 80 transactions a week.
I think you should get paid overtime when you have a work dream. The most vivid I had was while I was bar tending down in Austin. I dreamt that the bar was all around my bed and I spent hours rushing to get drinks to everyone. Woke up exhausted.
The only travel agent dream I remember was after they rolled out a new system for scoring our calls for quality purposes. The system was split between customer service, accuracy and number of transactions (separate orders). In the dream, my battle-axe of a supervisor was using the system to score my love life. She said that the service was good and that my accuracy was fine. The transactions though... At which point I interrupted and told her that I just couldn't do 80 transactions a week.