1000th post
This is the 1000th post on this here blog. I started this blog at the very end of 2004 so that I could review Best Picture nominees and compare them. I thought I might throw in some sports commentary and maybe a taste of my life here and there. Well, the movie reviews continue. The sports commentary has been less than expected. The slice of life stuff has come to dominate.
When I started out, I had just moved in with the FP Gal. A few things have happened since then...
When I started out, I had just moved in with the FP Gal. A few things have happened since then...
- My sister got married.
- We took a surprise vacation where I proposed to her. She said yes.
- I went to Paris.
- We had a surprise wedding.
- Saw U2 in concert and had to contend with vomit.
- Watched my White Sox win the Series.
- Went on our honeymoon to the Bahamas.
- Added a niece.
- Lost Roxane.
- Started reading Great American Novels.
- Added Ozzie.
- Lost Calypso.
- Went to Carrie's wedding.
- Wrote a novel.
- Found out we were pregnant.
- Started talking about the Seven Wonders of the World.
- And, oh yeah, added Aurelia to our lives.