Take your Daughter to work day
So guess where we went today? I had some paperwork to do so I went in. Mother and daughter were up to the visit so off we went. There were approximately 150 people that were very anxious to see her. They ooohed and ahhhed over her. They told us she looks just perfect (she does) and asked if she was a good baby (she is).
They were also amazed at how well the FP Gal looks. It's hard to believe that she just gave birth less than a week ago. She is up and getting around just fine. Stitches aren't giving her very much trouble anymore.
It's been a good day even though everyone is now tired. These pictures are of 'Relia napping in the family crib. She's the 47th child to sleep in it (number may not be accurate). I think the tradition goes back about 40 years and we're glad to add to it.
She is so beautiful! I can't wait to see her this weekend and my friends are looking forward to meeting you, Sarah and Aurelia when you bring her to my office next week. :-)