Amazing Race

Yep, another set of comments, as always spoilers follow:
  • Only 'Survivor' has a bigger hypocrite factor than 'Amazing Race'. Last week's episode featured one team screwing another one so hard that they were eliminated. (I guess deaf people can play hardball.) This week, that same team cried foul because another team tried to pull ahead of them in a car race. The nerve!
  • The last two episodes have both been in Siberia and it's very interesting to watch. Soviet style architecture won't win any beauty pageants, if you know what I mean. Also, note that I said 'interesting' and not 'beautiful' or 'picturesque'. I miss the Alps from the first couple of episodes.
  • The big challenge of this leg was driving a four speed manual car. The famous Lada, beloved by car enthusiasts nowhere. The FP Gal wonders why people don't brush up on driving a stick before going on the race. I don't have any answer for her.
  • The highlight of the episode came near the end. They had one member strip down to their skivvies (underwear to you and me) and job 1.4 miles in the cold weather. They showed the temp several times, it was -4 C which translates to 16km or in local terms: a balmy day. The FP Gal realized a personal dream as they showed Phil in nothing but his trunks.
  • Another good show. Really, this is some of the best stuff on TV.


Sarita said…
Really? 16 kilometers? I had no idea. :P
MommyLisa said…
I would SO WIN! I can drive a stick, I have TAUGHT people how to drive a stick.

I can drive a beat down old VW with a rusty stick.

I need to race with my ex-Navy hubby.

Ya think?

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