He's Just Not That Into You - 2009

Short movie review: it was ok, not great. Very much what it was advertised as. The rest will be a review of our night out, I think.
We went out for our first sit down dinner together in ages tonight. Nothing special, just a chance to sit and chat without feeding Relia or anything. It was very nice. We talked about our (suddenly happy) finances and that made it even better.
Then a quick spin around Ikea. Didn't buy anything but we like to cruise through there every so often. They are so clever! And I love the little room layouts. If I suddenly found myself trying to outfit a 500 sq foot apartment, I'd probably just copy one of their blueprints (and turn my storage locker into a library or something).
Then off to the movie. It came out a good month ago so we were hoping it wouldn't be too crowded. No such luck. We ended up with seats filled on both sides of us, me with my coat in my lap. Every time we've gone to a movie together over the last year or so (which might be three times total) we've been packed in like sardines. Not awful, but not great.
The movie is ok. It has a problem that I've seen in other movies (and tv shows) that are primarily pitched towards women. The comedic rythym is off. A quarter beat slow or something. I don't know why but when I mentioned it to the FP Gal she agreed. With this movie at least, I don't know her opinion on the others.
The first thing you notice about this movie is the huge 'name' cast. Here's the IMDB list, almost the entire main character list is people that you'll already recognize. The exception for me was Ginnifer Goodwin, who was probably did the best job of acting. Second place actually goes to Ben Affleck who narrowly beat out Scarlet Johansson's breasts.
There is an interesting element of advice to daters in terms of deciding how much investment is wise and when to tell if someone is really into you or not. I haven't read the book but I hope it's having a positive impact out there. Dating is tricky and there are hard truths that are sometimes too easy to avoid.
During the movie, I kept wishing that we were watching it at home on DVD instead. We could have talked and made comments about the plot and the actors. We could have paused it to discuss the few moments near the end when the movie cheats on itself. Best of all we would have had Ozzie under the blanket on our laps.


Kate said…
I opted not to see that one last weekend and went with Gran Tourino instead which I loved, but it was totally predictable - which is why I don't go see movies in the first place. But yeah for a night out.
Pat said…
Sounds like my kind of evening. I mean dinner, conversation, Ikea, chick flick and discussion after. What is there not to like. Oh, maybe not having Ozzy on your lap. This entry was a "feel good" one and I liked it.
Meigan said…
Your post makes me miss my hubby. While he's gone I'm trying to catch up on movies he's seen & I haven't, so last night I watched Sneakers. I really wished he had been there to talk to about it.

I'd love to play you guys in Scene It on Xbox Live sometime. Could make for a fun Friday night. You'd kick our butts I'm afraid.

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