Bee-yootiful Weather

After all of my complaints about the long, cruel winter (which were totally justified, btw) I should note that we have had a simply gorgeous few days.
Actually, let me back up. When I left work last Monday we had something of a blizzard going on. It wasn't that cold, but there was snow and gale force winds. Seriously, the snow was thrown at you horizontally. It was like bad weather coming off of the ocean.
When the winds died down, the temps dropped. We were below zero overnight and had windchill warnings. Back into the heaviest of winter clothing. Again.
Then the weather turned on Friday. We had an afternoon high above freezing. Saturday took us up to 50 and Sunday was warmer still. Highs are in the 50's and 40's all of this week. It's almost crazy nice out.
Spring, the nicest of the seasons, is almost here.


DD4 said…
Hear! Hear! 65 degrees ABOVE zero today! I love it! Bring it on!
Kate said…
I went for a bike ride last night! Whoo Hoo!
carrster said…
The weather changed because I went to Texas...where it was colder than it was here in Minnesota. You're welcome.

The weather in Texas changed dramatically (up to 88 yesterday) because I was coming home.

Watch out for a cold snap!


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