Thursday, March 12, 2009

Days of Whine and Relia

Yesterday I stayed home with Relia because she's sick. A deep hacking cough that made us feel guilty about sending her to day care on Monday and (worse for us) loss of ability to sleep at night. Today was my normal day off with her so it was long days back to back.
Last night was her worst sleeping night in a very long time. She went down easily enough, if later than usual. Then she was up and screaming from about 9p till midnight. She could really only rest if she was laying on one of us. She slept on the FP Gal on Tuesday and I tried to take my turn on Wednesday. The problem is that I cannot sleep on my back. Just can not do it. (This caused plenty of problems in the hospital after the car accident.)
The FP Gal finally took her and rocked her to sleep. She was up at six and let me tell you, it wasn't enough sleep. Fortunately, it wasn't enough for her either and she back down pretty early for a good nap.
Actually, the last two days weren't that bad. She really loves to play with us. She loves to read books and she's getting better and better at recognizing objects. It's fascinating. And rewarding.
Now if she would just sleep the night through...


DD4 said...

I hope Aurelia is much better tonight and that you all get a good sleep!

Kate said...

THat hacking cough is such a hanger-oner. Hope she's much better today. And I got you on the sleeping on your back thing.

Pat said...

Doesn't it break your heart when she is sick? One thing about little kids is most of the time it doesn't last long. Let's hope that she is better already.