Parenting bonus

At some point you, as a parent, will have a better understanding of the milk-yogurt-cottage cheese sequence than you ever did before.


AML said…
As the parent of a 3.5-year-old, I understand this one completely. We've hosted a number of unplanned science experiments now--my personal favorite is the accidental discovery that a young grasshopper can apparently survive in a bug cage for at least 4 months with nothing to eat or drink.
Peder said…
Four months? Very impressive. You'd think they would take it easier on farmer's fields then.
Kate said…
Does this mean vomit and poop? You know I'm not a parent. I don't understand these things?
Sarita said…
Nope, it means cups of milk get left in secret hiding places throughout the house and go through the metamorphic precess.
Meigan said…
Oh, I remember those days! Ewwww!

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