Nice weather for ducks

A nice drizzly day today. We had a gorgeous weekend and now a couple of days with some rain. Spring is really and truly here. Soon I'll have to check for tulips in the garden. Still could have some snow, maybe even tonight, but winter is finally done.
Of course that means in two short months we'll be into the sweltering heat. Ugh. Nevermind that, throw it out of your head. Spring is here. The FP Gal tells me that everything smells like new life outside.
Ahhh. Glorious.


Kate said…
The air smelled glorious. And then they shut down most of the interstate in SD because of 36 inches of snow.
Sarita said…
I think I said everything smells like dirt.
Peder said…
Don't correct me, I was being poetic.

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