Public notice

I do not want any singing animal toys. Especially singing fish. Thank you, you may now return to your regularly scheduled reading.

(Inspired by this commercial, with which my daughter is fascinated. I think it's the new 'Egg Song'. It's also the trippiest McDonald's commercial of my lifetime. You know how some people say that you need to smoke something to really appreciate Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'. That's how this commercial makes me feel.)


Pat said…
I think it is a riot!! I have not seen it before. BTW-that's Billy Bass singing. He is hanging on one of our walls but he sings a different song. I love him. Pudge hates him.
Meigan said…
If it were you in that sandwich you wouldn't be laughing at aaaaalllll
Peder said…
I'm with Pudge on this one.
Jennifer Miller said…
Of course, you must own a singing fish now. Or giant singing deer head. Something.

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