Top Ten Warming strategies

Pat asked for some ideas to combat this eternal winter. (And Andrew, I've come to think of you as a winter 'bitter-ender'.) I've given this a bit of thought and come up with some ideas. Here are the top ten:

Get a job with that nice Dharma company and see if they'll relocate us
to a tropical island.

Two words: more hairspray.

The cats are warm cuddlers but only for a small spot. Solution? Get a

A house sized Snuggie.

Install a steam room.

Cover the entire house with green house glass.

Perform sacrifices to the unhappy sun god.

Think warm thoughts.

Put jalapenos in the furnace.

Just wait six more weeks...


AML said…
11. Move to Denver. Record high yesterday of 76 degrees at the airport. Woohoo!
Peder said…
I lived in Co Springs for a winter. It was warmer but Colorado is a bit dry for my taste. 76 degrees does sound nice though...
Kate said…
the jalopenos will do just fine.

until spring.

when they will stink.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
It's not that I'm so much of a bitter-ender as I agree with Ogden Nash:

"Snow is snowy when it's snowing
I'm sorry it's slushy when it's going."

Spring brings rain, which to far too many people symbolizes new life, rebirth, blah blah blah, but, with apologies to Gene Kelly, all you can do in it is catch a bad chest cold, and all it does is make mud.

If there was some way to transition directly from snow into, say, late April-early May, I'd be okay, but there isn't. Hence my dislike of this part of the season.

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