75 Signs of a Bibliophile

Full list here. I only connect on 13 of them. So I'm going to suggest that the other 62 are largely pretentious twaddle. Or I'm not really a bibliophile.
Which 13? These:
  • 16, guilty as charged.
  • 20, don't know how anyone could disagree
  • 23, not sure that anyone would disagree here either
  • 32, I know enough to laugh at nasally Morissette but would be hard pressed to define well
  • 40, and I find them very enjoyable
  • 45, not to weeping but it does upset me
  • 47, though this might upset the FP Gal more
  • 49, not as bad as the spine thing; I'll forgive others but could never do it myself
  • 56, this is known by half of the known universe
  • 57, colour me guilty
  • 66, at least 2 though seldom as many as 4
  • 75, self defining point is self defining


Kate said…
I have four going right now.
AML said…
More than 40. Lost count.
Peder said…
Hey Michelle, you're back!
AML said…
Yup. Congrats on the new kiddo!
Meigan said…
I'm connecting with a lot - starting with 1 and 2. And can I just REJOICE for a second that someone else pointed out #32? That song drives me MAD with the misuse of "ironic".

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