Random Monday night thoughts

  • I have loved this rainy weather. A girl that sits near me at work was complaining today because the forecast is for more cloudy skies. We had some words in which I explained to her that after weeks of hot and sunny weather it was time for some cool wet weather.
  • The FP Gal could smell wet cedar tonight. I think it was the neighbor's wood chips. She said it was one of her favorite smells. If only we could find a forest of them to live near...
  • One other nice side effect of the cool weather is that we're using blankets regularly. That means that Ozzie is sitting/standing/sleeping on us again. Right now he's perched on the FP Gal's belly bumping noses with her. Very sweet.
  • Geek cred? I've got this series and found this article very interesting. (Dad, you'll find it interesting too.)
  • Viking game on Friday? The defense looked good and I'm willing to believe that they'll be better this year than they were last. Looks like they've traded some against the run for better pass defense. Fine with me. The offense? They should have a dominating run game. The passing game will be hampered by a young QB, poor WR's and incredibly timid play-calling. (Sidney Rice looked fine, he might be a gamer.)
  • That's it!


Meigan said…
Peder - I love this weather, too. Just wish my kids weren't climbing the walls after 5 days of being cooped up. You may change your mind about rainy weather in a few years...

Good luck with Baby Day. (I've been silently lurking) Tomorrow will be here before you know it!
carrster said…
We have lots of cedar in Duluth!! Of course there's no freaking rain, but at least there's cedar. :)
Peder said…
Meigan, welcome aboard!

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