Today (with updates)

Ok, so we called at 530a. They told us to call back at 930a. We both think that it's borderline cruelty, but this is how hospitals operate (no pun intended).

UPDATE: We're still not at the hospital. We've called a few times but they don't have room for us yet. Apparently some line-jumpers went into labor or something so we have to wait. Next call to the hospital is 130p.

Update, again: Not yet and it doesn't look good for today. We'll call again at 4p and see how it looks.

Another update: We're going in! The fun begins at 7p. Further updates later.


carrster said…
GAH!!! I was up at 5:30 this morning and was thinking of you two! Keep us updated! Hopefully you're not going too crazy yet!!
j said…
Do you realize you're reinacting a Friends episode?
Meigan said…
Here's what to do while you wait: go buy some bagels/muffins for your OB staff. I always think it's nice to bribe a little extra care & attention during your stay. For my last kid we brought chocolate cheesecake & I got the royal treatment!
Peder said…
Meigan, that's a great idea!
MamaD4 said…
We're all thinking of you down in St. James...! Hang in there.
DD4 said…
Count me in -- and my co-workers, family and friends. You're on everyone's mind and prayers today.
carrster said…
Clearly Godot wants to share a birthday with me...can you make it til Saturday?!?

At least he/she's trying to be a Virgo. That is for sure!!!

I think bribing hospital staff is an excellent idea. I'm writing that one down.
Brian said…
Can you call and pretend to be in labor... they will tell you to come in.. then they might not send you home...
Test said…
Ugh. How frustrating. Since it is 4:40pm I am hoping you are on your way into the hospital :)

I'll be checking on a regular basis!
carrster said…
Yay!! That's....AN HOUR AGO!! Can't wait for more updates!!
Cellomama said…
Hi, Peder! I've been checking up on you lately and am so excited to hear baby is on the way! Best thoughts are with you both!
carrster said…
Any updates this morning? I'm on pins and needles.
Brian said…
SHE was born at 5:45 am. All are doing well! Congrats!
DD4 said…
Announcing: Aurelia Ryan. Born 8/23/2007 at 5:45 am; 8#, 15 oz; 21 inches. She's just beautiful!
lia said…
Congratulations! Welcome to the take a deep breath and enjoy the ride.
carrster said…
Test said…
Welcome Aurelia Ryan! We're so happy you are here! Hope mom and dad are doing well.

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