Cold Weekend

We're finishing up a cool wet weekend. No complaints on the wet part. This May was the third driest in recorded Minneapolis history. We had something like .5 inches of rain for the whole thing and that's much too little.
The drizzle started yesterday morning around 10a and continued through the rest of the day. More of the same today. I like the overcast days and I'm not complaining at all. Well, I will complain about the temperature. It's been cold. Like barely over 50 degrees. And more of the same throughout the rest of the week.
All this after a cold May and April. And the long cold winter that we just had. I like temperate climates, I really do. But this is a bit much.
I wonder if July will be warm.


Kate said…
I haven't even been to the beach yet, it's still so cold. I think that's a crime.
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I'm just peeved because I can't wear my white chinos, seersucker shirts and suede shoes.

Stupid mud.

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