"Oh No!"

Whenever Relia finds a piece of furniture out of place, well, it's not good. She keeps saying, "Oh no! Oh no!" and tugging on us until we set it right. Most recently this has been happening if she finds the FP Gal's exercise mat in the living room floor. But any change will do.
I don't remember this bothering me when I was young. I asked both of my parents and they don't remember it either. However, my mom also told me that she almost never moved the furniture around. (Now that I think of it, the house that we lived in longest in Austin really did have an almost permanent set up. I think the living room changed shape exactly once in more than a dozen years. Can that be right?)
Anyway, it's pretty cute. Mostly.


Alfred T. Mahan said…
I see a show on TLC in your child's future, Peder.
Peder said…
Hopefully it's one of those fashion things because right now she could use some help.
Kate said…
Does this mean she'll keep her room clean as a teenager? It's never too early to start hoping.
Pat said…
Does this mean she doesn't like change?? She sure is getting her own personality.

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