Monday, June 01, 2009

Missing Air France Flight

You've all probably heard about the missing AF flight today. It comes as something of a surprise as it's very unusual for a large plane to just disappear in the Atlantic. Not surprisingly, it was the talk of the office. In some past air tragedies, we've had clients from our office in the air but I don't think we did this time. The routing of Rio-Paris isn't a common one for US businesses.
Am I the only one that immediately thought of 'Lost'? Will the disappearance of a large jet over water always have that association from now on? We can only hope that some strange thing has happened and that there is some hope of survivors.
One strange (and kind of spooky) coincidence also occurred. I've got a page-a-day calendar at work based on the '1000 Places to See Before You Die' books. Today's page was about Fernando de Noronha a series of islands off of the coast of Brazil that was the starting point for the Brazilian Air Forces search patterns. (Hans, did you ever sail through there?)
This must be a terrible thing for the families of all involved. Absent the unlikely miracle where they find survivors, I hope that they can at least find enough evidence to provide closure.


MamaD4 said...

I thought of Lost right away's very strange.

maverick263 said...

i like this:

"One strange (and kind of spooky) coincidence also occurred. I've got a page-a-day calendar at work based on the '1000 Places to See Before You Die' books. Today's page was about Fernando de Noronha ..."

2 nights ago i woke up with dream-space still strong & there were memories of an airplane, lost.. long long time ago... in italy. it was a "mystery" for years, a decade. later it was said it'd been hit by nato-fighter rockets. it's long time ago.

i did not understand these memories came up --- until i surfed internet later the day.

no, i don't want to imply anything. it's more... i'm amazed ab "coincidence"... your calendar, my memories... i wonder if other people around globe have been "touched" too

Kate said...

I hate the thought of plane crashes. Hate it.

maverick263 said...

uiiih, it just took seconds...

here's a comment:

"Pigasus Says:
June 1st, 2009 at 9:38 am

I had a premonition yesterday about a plane crash. I’ve had them for a long time. Had one before the Towers were hit on 9-11 and even told my freind about it on instant messenger 6 hours before the first plane. Yesterday afternoon I started having that feeling again and told my girlfriend that I was worried, I was having that feeling again like being able to feel the collective helplessness and absolute horror followed by the feeling of the sudden impact. I told my girlfriend that I thought there was going to be a plane crash. She woke me up this morning and told me about this plane missing. I know this is probably more of a story for ATS or something, but I saw the article here and feel like someone is out there who can help me make sense of this plane crash thing I seem to be tuned into."

it's not easy for western mind to deal with spirits, is it? ;)

here's link, it's in quotes, name is "pigasus"

maverick263 said...

maybe you'd like to have a look @

"global consciousness project" @ princeton university

due to their website grammar i can't supply target link. so just have a look, look at left, "main menu", look below@ "aesthetics", choose "daily movies"... choose 2009may31 into 2009jun01... & see for yourself... an increase in "human consciousness" activity.

:-) enjoy