Stormy weather?

The Strib had an article today that suggested cooler than average weather this summer. That will fit in with our cooler than average winter and cooler than average spring. Any guesses on what autumn will bring us?
I wouldn't mind a cooler summer. I don't care for long stretches of hot and humid. The annual debate in Minnesota has to do with which is worse, freezing winter or sweltering summer. My answer has long been that neither one is any fun to deal with. So if the average highs stay in the 70's that would be A Ok with me.
Unless the trade off is less rain. Usually the big storms start in April and we get them every week or two throughout the summer. So far we've had one thunderstorm and that one was in the middle of the night! No heavy rains either. Very disappointing.
Right now we have heavy clouds all over but nothing is happening. Something like this. We've been here before. I don't know if the urban heat island effect is nudging the storms aside or what but it's tiring.
C'mon clouds! Open up already!


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