Baby clothes update

So this morning I finally got Relia into regular day clothes. The FP Gal pretty much made certain that this would happen by leaving an outfit out for her. All good except for one thing, somehow the shirt ended up backwards. It looked fine from the front, really. It was only when you turned her around and saw the big Winnie the Pooh that you noticed something wrong.
Relia, dear, the sooner you get big enough to help your daddy pick out your clothes, the better.

UPDATE: The FP Gal is thinking Gr animals.


MamaD4 said…
I would say that Garanimals (sp?) would work, but I buy almost all of the kids' clothes at Gymboree--their deal is that they make "lines" where six different pants, six dresses, shirts, etc. all intermix. I put the items from each line next to each other in the closet, so that I can grab a matching outfit quickly.

That being said, Hans usually mixes lines and ends up with something interesting. "The shirt has pink in it and the pants have pink in them, it MATCHES!"

Yeah, except the pants are plaid and the shirt is covered with flowers!
MommyLisa said…
She will be telling you what she wants to wear as soon as she can say NO and point. That is what happend at our house at about age 1.5!

NO purple Mommy! CARS shirt!

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