Tax advice

A couple of days late, but this column from Dave Berry is a classic:
If you go to the official Internal Revenue Service site on the Internet ( and start poking around among the thousands and thousands of forms, instructions, bulletins, etc., you would be amazed at the range of deduction options. For example, according to IRS Rev. Proc. 2006-50, certain individuals recognized by the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission may deduct up to $10,000 for whaling expenses. Could this deduction apply to you? Think about it! I, personally, have done many things that I later could not remember; being a recognized Eskimo whaler would not be the weirdest of these. So go ahead! Find an empty box on your 1040 form and write ''Harpoons -- $9,990.'' (Don't claim the full $10,000, because that might arouse IRS suspicion.)


Kate said…
So, does that mean I could deduct my breast implants if I'm a stripper? Just asking. Cause I know at some point, one of our ditsy patients will ask us....
Peder said…
I'd think that you could but I'm certainly no expert. Anyone else have opinions on that?

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