Random Thursday morning baby thoughts

  • Babies don't come with a snooze alarm. If you try and politely explain that you'd like nine more minutes of sleep they don't understand. Believe me.
  • Imagine you're feeding a baby some sweet potatoes. You've got some on a spoon and it's heading towards her mouth. Then she starts to make a sneezy face. Pull the spoon away quickly, trust me.
  • Relia doesn't care to bounce to INXS. She needs a band with a more reliable driving beat. Oingo Boingo works fine for this. So does Adam Ant.
  • One should never underestimate the number of hands that a baby suddenly has when you're trying to change a blowout diaper. I'm convinced that Vishnu was present for some brief time earlier.
  • For five years I've gotten by with sight in just one eye and haven't found a single limitation. Until now. Feeding a baby is kind of tough. She's firmly in that area where my depth perception is ruined and she acts unpredictably. Doesn't mean that I can't do it, just that it's messier.
  • We're going off to the MOA to hunt some sharks. Wish us luck!


MamaD4 said…
Trust me, it's much worse if they actually have taken that mouthful of sweet potatoes and THEN sneeze. You would be amazed at how far sneezed out sweet potatoes can travel. And good luck trying to scrape it off stuff when you discover random spots a few weeks later. It's like industrial adhesive.

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