Baby clothes

Last night, the FP Gal asked me to make sure that Relia is going to daycare in regular clothes, and not pajamas. She asked if I knew what that meant and I nodded yes, so as not to seem stupid but I really have no clue. If one of my coworkers comes to work in her pajamas, I could probably spot it but baby clothes are a little more arbitrary.
  • When we started this adventure in day care, my first concern was that she had clothes on. Period. Delivering naked babies is frowned on or something.
  • That got upgraded to 'warm enough' clothes when winter started six months ago (and I'm pretty sure that the Minnesota tourism board won't want to lift that sentence from this blog).
  • She goes every other day so at some point I also decided to try and make sure she doesn't wear the same outfit there twice in a row. I think I've accomplished this but I'm not very certain.
  • Now I need to figure out the difference between night and day clothes. Yeah, good luck with that!
  • I foresee some training in my future. Training in little girl clothes. Can't wait for that. (Honestly, isn't there some football on somewhere?)


Kate said…
Oh, you make me smile. You're going to do just fine. Really. It's a learning curve.
DD4 said…
If Aurelia has a dresser, why not put the clean jammies in a separate drawer from the daily wear clothes? Just an idea.

Please kiss and hug her for me.
Test said…
you and pete should get together... we've already had the discussion about how ms. c needs to wear something besides sweatpants. he is just one step up from dressing her in her jammies all day.

i think he is just jealous of the fact that she can 'get away' with it and wants to dress that way himself.
carrster said…
I think maybe there should be a class for new Dad's because Steve has a heck of a time dressing Dahlia too!
Meigan said…
How's this for confusing? DH has to dress our oldest for school. They have to wear "sporty clothes" on gym day, & every 3rd day they get to wear dressy clothes. We've written the schedule on the calendar but it's way easier to just put her in jeans & a tshirt every day.

Sometimes when I go to the school & see the other girls in cute dresses & pigtails I feel a little bit bad. Oh well - maybe it's better we don't get them started early on the whole fashion trend!

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